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3:14 "We are, uh... We are putting an end to slavery!... I think...

That's what you said we're going to do, right?"

Yup, that's me in this video!

Moral of the story: leave persona stuff to adults.

A monk riding a AoE Viper with converted chicks? You are victorious!

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The game wiki got purged by Fandom, and my previous comment here got purged by Newgrounds (for contain the link to the wiki), but I managed to save some old content about the game medals:

=5 Points=
* High Roller: Reroll your Stats 10 times: medal can be got as soon the Your Stats menu shows up, and the game saves after each reroll, it's not need to buy rerolls using medal points
* Masochist: Have an orgasm from ass slapping: medal fixed in 06/03/2021!
* Punching Bag: Get mugged 10 times: You get mugged randomly when looking around in some areas, and get more chance to -it by having pets with loyalty booger than 60%, and certain clothing, like weapons. The biggest mugging chance is in the Badlands, the Pungent River and the Pieter Rock (90%), followed by the Hidden Trail (75%), the Secret Trail (70%), the Bridge (50%) and the Slums (25%). Get this medal before get a pet dog with 100% loyalty, as a pet dog with 100% loyalty will guarantee an escape from all muggings (pet horses doesn't protect against muggings).
* First One's Free: Get Addicted to Drugs: available from the start of the Noblewoman Story. Otherwise, just use pills frequently
* Hello, Burly Men: Drop your credit rating below 300 and get beaten by loan collectors: Borrow money from the Banker or the -Fancy Hotel-.
* Traveller: Unlock and visit all locations for current woman's story: locations available changes for each story: medal working OK for Peasant Story and Pirate Story, but broken for Noblewoman Story and Nun Story.
* Lucky Find: Buy a rare (or better) clothing item in the Market: buy Peasant Headband, Pirate Glove or Swank Garter from "the Market/-Shopping-/Vendors/Clothing", for example

=10 Points=
* Oh, the Feels: Have 3 female orgasms in one event: medal can be got as soon one event got Finger Vagina, Finger Ass, Slap Ass or Whip Back available, then just use such moves multiple times
* Cock Blocker: Deny sex 10 times: must give the command to do a sex movement, and the girl must refuse by saying "get off me" by lack of happy points, for example
* Psycho: Have female orgasm, then kill customer: you would lose the medal if you trigger it more than once in the same story, but medal got fixed in 06/03/2021!
* Serial Killer: Kill 10 customers: Remember you may be beaten or jailed by killing one customer in gang-bangs. To kill customers you must get the Poison Potion (got during the Noblewoman story - if you infiltrate the Castle - or the Pirate story) and equip a weapon, like the Pirate Claw (got during Pirate story) or Swank Dagger (can be bought in the beach in any story).
* Amish Paradise: Have sex on the farms 10 times. (Fixed in ver 1.11): having sex with more than one partner at once, or with no partner at all, still counts as just 1 time. Failing Steal Veggies events does not count.
* Bath House Babe: Enter the Spa and get paid to please all the customers: it's possible to get the medal by paying the barracks' doctor with sex during the Peasant story. Other than that, go to a Public Spa in West Quarter, Uptown or Hot Springs and then Seduce Men - be sure to got the mininum Health and Cleanliness required beforehand, so Take a Shower if needed. Medal broken since 06/03/2021 (tested in Noblewoman story).
* Accessorized: Have sex with 30 different Clothing, Jewelry, Tattoos or Makeup items equipped: Medal possible in all stories. Example of setting:
*# Peasant Hat or Nun Coif (+4% -Police) or Pirate Hat or Swank Bonnet (+4% -Feminazis)
*# Peasant Headband or Nun Headband (+1 Max Customers) or Pirate Headband (+3 Attitude)
*# Peasant Eyeglasses(+4% chance to -Feminazis) or Pirate Eye Patch or Swank EyeShades (+5% -Feminazis) or Tribal Mask (+100% Tribal conversion rate for Nun Storyline)
*# Peasant Makeup or Pirate Makeup (+4 Beauty. Costs $3 maintenance)
*# Peasant Shoulder, Swank Shoulder or Nun Shoulder, Pirate Puff (No Bonus) or Soldier Spaulder (+5% -muggings)
*# Peasant Sleeve Right or Nun Sleeve Right (+2 Attitude) or Pirate Sleeve Right or Swank Sleeve Right (+3 Attitude) or Soldier Vambrace Right (+5% -muggings)
*# Peasant Sleeve Left or Nun Sleeve Left (+2 Attitude) or Pirate Sleeve Left or Swank Sleeve Left (+3 Attitude) or Soldier Vambrace Left (+5% -muggings)
*# Peasant Top, Pirate Top, Soldier Top, Swank Top or Nun Top (+4% -Police)
*# Peasant Bra, Pirate Bra, Swank Bra or Nun Bra or Soldier Breast Sash (+8% -Police)
*# Peasant Leg Wrap Right or Swank Stocking Right or Nun Right Stocking (No Bonus) or Pirate Boot Right or Soldier Cuisse Right (+5% -muggings)
*# Peasant Leg Wrap Left or Swank Stocking Left or Nun Stocking Left (No Bonus) or Pirate Boot Left or Soldier Cuisse Left (+5% -muggings)
*# Peasant Bottom, Pirate Pants, Soldier Shorts, Swank Mini Skirt or Nun Skirt (+4% -Police)
*# Peasant Crotch or Nun Crotch, Pirate Undies or Swank Undies or Soldier Crotch Sash (+8% -Police)
*# Peasant Chastity, Pirate Chastity, Soldier Chastity, Swank Chastity or Nun Chastity (Prevent entry, if virgin, and 50% faster Female orgasm speed)
*# Pirate Glove or Swank Glove (+4% Beauty)
*# Soldier Tasset (+5% -muggings)
*# Swank Garter (+1 Max Customers)
*# Pirate Claw or Swank Dagger (+10% -muggings, enables attack customers)
*# Pirate Cigar (+25% Lung Cancer?)
*# Hair (+0-5 Beauty. Costs $0-5 maintenance)
*# Nails (+1-3 Beauty. Costs $1 maintenance)
*# Earring (+1-9 Beauty)
*# LadyBug Ring (+4 Beauty )
*# Moth Hairpin (+8 Beauty )
*# Butterfly Brooch (+6 Beauty )
** Tattoos below scares away all clients in higher-class areas like the West Quarter, Uptown, the Beaches, the Village, the Monastery, the Hot Springs and the Palace!
*# Face Tattoo: Flag, Face Tattoo: Hooks, Face Tattoo: Knife, Face Tattoo: Swords or Face Tattoo: Tears (+2 Attitude)
*# Neck Tattoo: Flag, Neck Tattoo: Hooks, Neck Tattoo: Knives, Neck Tattoo: Ropes or Neck Tattoo: Swords (+2 Attitude)
*# Ass Tattoo: Flag, Ass Tattoo: Guns, Ass Tattoo: Hooks, Ass Tattoo: Knives or Ass Tattoo: Skull (+2 Attitude)
*# Pirate Side Tattoo (+4 Beauty. -5 Affliliation)
*# Pirate Back Tattoo (+4 Beauty. -5 Affliliation)
*# Pirate Shoulder Tattoo (Implies membership in Pirate gang. +4 Beauty. -5 Affliliation)
** Other Shoulder Tattoos available only in the Pirate story and that do not scare customers:
*** Captain's Star (No Bonus): Get conquested by Captain BloodLetter, which will happen some time after the story starts, soon after service BianTie twice
*** Captain's Pet (10% higher sex prices): Properly service Captain BloodLetter after getting the Captain's Star
*** Gang-Bang (No Bonus): Fail a pirate mission, then properly service the Pirate Gang
*** Elite Gang-Bang (No Bonus): Properly service Captain BloodLetter and his friends during the respective pirate mission. Replaces Gang-Bang tattoo
*** Specialist (No Bonus): Become pirate rank 8th or better (max possible pirate rank is 4th)
*** Deadly Blue Star (+25% Escape Mugging): Kill BianTie in the Docks and Amelia's Barbarian in the Uptown Mansion during the last pirate missions, then talk to NeckSlicer in the Docks to finish the Pirate Story and get the tattoo

=15 Points=
* Can't Touch This: -10 muggings: There is a random chance to -muggings, increased by having pets and certain clothing, like pets. A pet dog with 100% loyalty will guarantee an escape from all muggings (pet horses from the Noblewoman Storyy doesn't protect against muggings). In the Pirate Story, the "Deadly Blue Star" tattoo can also help with +25% Escape Mugging. Medal broken.
* Disease Collector: Get infected with all Eight disesases. Still counts if disease is cured: Do not vaccine against HPV or Hepatitis before getting them at least once. Remember Herpes and HIV are incurable once you get them, unless you use 35 medal points. It is easier to get diseases in areas such as the Prison, the Bridge, the East Woods, the Badlands, the West Woods, the Lighthouse, Pungent River, Pieter Rock, etc..
* Cream Filled: Take 5 internal vaginal cumshots in one sex event: Orc and lizard cumshots didn't counted, but medal fixed in 06/03/2021. Medal broken for human cumshots since 06/03/2021 (tested Pirate Story, Noblewoman Story and Nun Story).
* Vanilla Fudge: Take 5 internal anal cumshots in one sex event: Orc and lizard cumshots didn't counted, but medal fixed in 06/03/2021. Medal broken for human cumshots since 06/03/2021 (tested Pirate Story and Noblewoman Story).
* Self Loathing: Change your skin color: go to the Beaches/Talk to NPC/Beach Bar/Accessories, then use Tanning Oil or Bleach Cream
* Self Improvement: Have cosmetic surgery 10 times: do surgeries going to a doctor in the Barracks, West Quarter, Downtown, Uptown or the Palace. It's possible to get anybody from 114 hips (maximum) to 89 hips (mininum) with exact 10 surgeries ($99 each surgery)
* Free as a Bird: Escape from Prison 5 times without being Beaten

=20 Points=
* I'm Full: Take 5 internal oral cumshots in one sex event: medal was broken, counting only lizard, but medal fixed in 06/03/2021! Tested later in Noblewoman story and it's broken again...
* Safe Sex: Do NOT spread a disease to 50 customers total. (Disease must be enabled in Settings): Get this medal before the "Disease Collector" medal if you are trying to get all medals in a single run.It's actually possible to get this medal without use condoms, by being protected by vaccine or the peasant's immune system or having sex with healthy customers.
* Attitude Adjustment: Raise your attitude by 50 points from Sex (Drugs not counted)
* Speciesist: Restrict non-humans from Vaginal, Anal or Blowjobs for 50 customers in a row. Medal won't trigger if you got more than 50 customers in a row before the medal got fixed.
* S-s-s-smoking: Steal a Cactus for Slippy to unlock the Cigar: Beware not to buy all clothing from clothing vendor Jimmy at the Market before Slippy give the mission to steal clothing. Don't steal veggies from the farm before completing Slippy's quest as it can break the quest progress. Medal sometimes broken? Because sometimes playing the whole Slippy quest (steal food from food stand/pickpocket from market/steal clothing from market/steal potion from doctor/steal cactus from gardener with Stealing 60) won't unlock the medal.
* 'Virgin' Birth: Get pregnant without being penetrated by any males: Get pregnant from a futa before having vaginal sex with any non-futa.Being penetrated by mouth or anal sex is ok. Medal easier to get during the Nun story by being pregant from Abbess.
* Bake 6 Buns in your oven: Give birth to six children in total: Medal broken.

=25 Points=
* Wrecked: Do 5 Orcs in one event: easier to get in the Nun Story, when going to the Pieter Rock, since the orcs there can Whip Back to restore happy points when needed. Orcs can also be found in other places, like the Farm. In Peasant Story and Pirate Story, orcs cannot Whip Back, so it may requires high attitude, using pills and having vaginal sex that consumes less happiness points. Medal broken since 06/03/2021 (tested Peasant story).
* Incredibly Obedient: You get pregnant when you're TOLD to get pregnant!: it's possible to get this medal from random encounters. Medal sometimes broken?
* Use, Infuse, Abuse, Vamoose: Have an Orgasm, get Pregnant, Kill the father, then flee without get caught!
* Special Diversity: Give birth to a child from every species in game (7 Total): The 7 species are Red Lizard, Blue Goblin, Beagle Dog, Plantoid, Human (Brown Human, Black Human, White Human and Barbarian), GoatMan and Green Orc. It is easier to get pregnant during ovulation weeks (check if you are ovulating in the "Your Stats" option). Beware that children may randomly die due to "poor living conditions", however there is nothing you can do to improve living conditions to prevent children from dying, not even live in the Palace, for example
* Wholey Holy Holes: Have sex 50 times with no penetration. (No BlowJob, Vaginal Sex or Anal Sex). Medal broken.
* -2 Future Medals-

=Karma Levels=
#Deified: ~95
#Venerated: ~85
#Pious: ~75
#Blameless: ~65
#Virtuous: ~55
#Gracious: ~45
#Benevolent: ~35
#Ethical: ~25
#Honest: ~15
#Neutral: ~5
#Dishonest: ~-5
#Unscrupulous: ~-15
#Devious: ~-25
#Delinquent: ~-35
#Criminal: ~-45
#Corrupt: ~-55
#Vile: ~-65
#Evil: ~-75
#Demonic: ~-85

SlingBang responds:

Sorry to hear the wiki was deleted, but thanks again for the medal details! I am a bit annoyed that every time I fix a medal, another one breaks... but, I'll give it another try! I'll edit this reply if I get the medals working!

Broken Medals I am looking into:

Bath House Babe, Traveler, Can't Touch This, Cream-Filled, Vanilla-Fudge, I'm Full, Smoking, Bake 6 Buns, Wrecked, Obedient, Wholey Holes.


Complete the phrase: Rapunzel, Rapunel, let down your...

Where was Rapunzel first published?

What is rapunzel?
An edible herb

In the original story, why does Mother get angry at Rapunzel?
Rapunzel gets herself pregnant

In the original, after the prince learns he has lost his beloved Rapunzel forever he...
Tries to kill himself

Which series does NOT feature Rapunzel?
Emerald City

In the story by the Grimm brothers, what is Gothel's first name?


01) It's my imagination/It's a joke/Or maybe... > Try to go back to sleep > (Ask her > Or what?)/Stop her > Yes > Dead Ending

02) It's my imagination/It's a joke/Or maybe... > Try to go back to sleep > (Stop her > No)/(Ask her > (Or what? > No)/Stop) > Do it/Don't do anything > Halloween Sleeper

03) It's my imagination/It's a joke/Or maybe... > Go out for a few hours > Accept > Do it/(Don't do anything > Spank her/Don't do it) > Happy Halloween

04) It's my imagination/It's a joke/Or maybe... > Go out for a few hours > Refuse > Dead Ending

Mushinovel responds:

Thank you, it can be useful~

Recent Audio Reviews

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So both Connor and Kara are Traci models after all.

I saw the entire JRPG just listening the song. That was awesome!

Best Pixel Day 2018 song, no doubt.

ChronoNomad responds:

Many thanks, Jeanioz! That is precisely what I was aiming for, and it's fantastic to hear that the story can unfold so effortlessly through music. I hardly enough know what to say to that last sentence. I feel both honored and humbled.

Great battle song for all those "cheep cheep cheep" taunts of the game and the movie. :P

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This is a bit different from the thumbnail...

Arzonaut responds:

Yeah, I really gotta work on that. Gif thumbnails look like nightmare fuel.

EDIT: Fixed it, it was my bad.

This sure shows all the spirit of the Lakeview Cabin game, especially the thumbnail. :)

deathink responds:

Haha, thanks man.

Joined on 4/16/08

Exp Points:
2,592 / 2,840
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Vote Power:
5.78 votes
Police Captain
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus: